2024 Missouri Wine Competition Entry Form

I hereby certify that the wines I have entered are fermented at my winery, and my entries contained in this form are in full agreement with the 2024 Missouri Wine Competition rules.

Entry forms must be received by close of business on Friday, 6/7/2024.
Wine must be received by Friday, 6/21/2024.

Checks payable to:
Wine & Grape Board
Send check, wine, and labels to:
Missouri Wine Competition
1616 Missouri Blvd
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Electronic copies of labels may also be emailed to missouri.wine@mda.mo.gov
If you are paying by check, please mail it to the above address by June 21.

Sweetness Scale

DryLess than .70% residual sugar
Semi-dry.71% - 3.0% residual sugar
Sweet3.1% and over residual sugar

Please enter name of wine exactly how you wish for it to be printed in our promotional materials.

Valid EntryWine CategoryClassVintage
Name of WineResidual
Delete Row
Invalid DEL
Primary Entries:
Total fee:
Fee structure $40 for each vintage.
Free Entry:
Discounted Total: