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Brucellosis—Free Herd Certification for Cervidae
A. Certified Brucellosis-Free cervid herd status must include all eligible animals in the herd. A certified herd may be purchased, or a herd may qualify for Certified Brucellosis-Free cervid herd status by complete herd testing, as follows:1. Complete herd test - For initial certification, all sexually intact cervids in the herd 12 months of age or older must have two consecutive negative tests 10 to 14 months apart.
2. Purchasing a Certified Brucellosis-Free cervid herd - A herd test is not required if the purchase animals remain on the same premises. Upon request and with proof of purchase, a new certificate will be issued in the new owner’s name. The anniversary date and the herd number will remain the same. If part or the entire purchase herd is moved directly to premises that have no other animals, the herd may retain Certified Brucellosis-Free cervid herd status without a test. A new certification number will be issued. The anniversary date of the new herd will be the test of the most recent herd test.
B. Brucellosis test will be done at a state approved laboratory using the tests specified by the Missouri State Veterinarian.
A notation is to be made on the test chart by the testing veterinarian for “Cervidae Herd Certification”.
C. The blood sample shall be collected by an Accredited Veterinarian of the owner’s choice.
A. Duration of status - A herd is certified for 36 months.
B. Re-certification - For continuous certification, all test eligible animals in the herd must have a negative test between 33 and 36 months after the last
certification date. If suspects or reactors are found on re-certification testing, certification status will be terminated and a herd investigation will be initiated.
Additions to Certified Herds:
A. From a certified Brucellosis-Free cervid herds - Animals originating from Certified Brucellosis-Free cervid herds do not need to be tested prior to movement. However, if the animals are not tested prior to movement, it is recommended that they be tested between 60 and 180 days after addition to the Certified herd.
B. From other herds - Animals purchased from cervid herds not Certified Brucellosis-Free cannot be considered part of the certified herd until the following 3 blood tests have been conducted: 1. Within 30 days prior to movement from the herd of origin; 2. Between 60 and 180 days after addition to the Certified Brucellosis-Free cervid herd; and 3. As part of the herd blood test on the re-certification test following the second test.
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CWD Inventory Reporting Form
**none***Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Individual Certified Herd Plan
A herd may qualify as brucellosis-free by one of the following methods:SECTION I. HERD CERTIFICATION
A. Complete herd blood test For initial certification a herd must have at least two consecutive negative herd blood tests, between 10 and 14 months apart. For herd re-certification, a herd must have a negative herd blood test within 60 days of the certification anniversary date to maintain continuous certification. A 60-day grace period, during which a herd may be reinstated with a single-negative herd blood test, is allowed. For purposes of certifying a herd, the herd blood test must include all natural addition heifers and bulls that are 18 months of age or older. B. Milk Ring Test (BRT) For initial certification, a herd must have a minimum of four consecutive negative milk ring tests conducted at intervals of 90 days or more. The series must be followed by a negative herd blood test conducted within 90 days after the last negative milk ring test. BRT procedures are not used for recertifying herds. The blood test shall be made by a Deputy State Veterinarian of the owner’s choice.
A. Natural herd increase.
B. Cattle from certified herds or class free states or areas. No test requirements on breeding or dairy cattle originating from certified Brucellosis free herds or class free states or areas. Test eligible animals shall not receive new herd status for sale purposes until they have passed a 60-120 day post entry retest.
C. Cattle from non-certified herds or non-class free states that are test eligible cattle, and are from herds not under quarantine, must be blood tested negative for brucellosis within 30 days prior to the date of being moved. A 60-120 day post entry retest is required for all test eligible cattle purchased from non-certified free herds or non-class free states or areas. These test eligible animals will be isolated from the rest of the herd until the 60-120 day post entry retest is made and is negative. Test eligible animals added to a certified free herd under this provision shall not receive new herd status for sale purposes until they have passed a 60-120 day post entry retest, and have been included in a yearly (anniversary) herd test.
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Animal Care Program License/Registration Application
Application TypeIf this application is for a new license, please select Initial Application. If this application is for renewal, please mark Renewal. You must select one option.
Facility Information
Please enter your business information here. This will include the business name, physical location of the facility, and contact information. Required fields are marked with a star. Additional fields are available for your convenience.
Owner Information / Authorized Representatives
Please enter the licensee’s information here. This will include the name and contact information of the licensee. It also allows you to list authorized representatives authorized to conduct inspections on behalf of the licensee.
You will need to list your classification, and you will need to answer some questions regarding your business, in order that we adhere to the applicable rules. Once again, required fields are marked with a star.
Veterinarian Information
You will need to provide some basic information regarding your attending veterinarian. The name, address, and phone number are required fields. Additional fields are available for your convenience.
Tax Compliance
You must select if you are a business or a non-profit organization. Most businesses will need to provide a state tax id number. Most non-profits will provide a non-profit number. If you are claiming an exemption from this requirement, you will need to choose that you sell 100% wholesale or you will need to choose that you only sell services.
Per Capita Fees
If you are an initial applicant, your license fee is $125.
If you are renewing your license, your fees are calculated based upon the previous year’s business. For facilities that sell, trade, barter, broker, adopt, or give away pets, the per capita fee is $1.00 per animal. For facilities that board pets, the per capita fee is $.10 per board day.
The upload feature allows you to attach any additional necessary documents. This allows you to scan and attach CEU credits, proof of show, non-profit certification, program of veterinary care, and any other images that might supplement your application. If you’ve provided attachments to your application in the past, you can use this feature to do the same. If you would rather use the mail, that’s OK too, but we can’t issue a license until all requirements are met.
Please note that by accepting the terms and policies, you agree to comply with the provisions of the Animal Care Facilities Act, the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act (if applicable), and the rules and regulations of 2 CSR 30-9. In addition, you certify that the information on the application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. You will also need to enter your name. You will need to hit save in order to go on to the next step.
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Complete this report to calculate your annually wine marketing and research assessment.Return your completed report and payment by January 31, following the year of production.
Call (573) 751-5633 if you have any questions.
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Corn Refund
In order to qualify for a corn assessment refund, the following must be performed:Complete the following information and attach the settlement sheets which verify the date of sale, number of bushels sold, and the amount of deducted corn assessment fees.
Submit this corn assessment refund request form and settlement sheets to the Missouri Department of Agriculture within 60 days, after the deduction is made.
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Soybean Monthly Assessment Report
NOTE: Information is required by 7 CFR 1220.223. Failure to report can result in a fine. Information is held confidential (7 CFR1220.243). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0581-0093. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. PENALTIES: You may, by law, be fined up to $10,000, imprisoned up to five years or both for knowingly or willfully making false statements within this document (18 U.S.C., Section 1001). The report and assessments must be remitted by the last day of the month following the end of the collection period. Late payments are subject to a 2% per month late payment charge. “Net market value” (quoted price plus or minus premiums or discounts such as moisture and quality factors) is the total dollars paid for assessed soybeans during the reporting period.*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Sheep Assessment
Complete Sheep Assessment Report (below) for your reporting period. If you did not purchase any sheep during the reporting period, please show "zero" purchases and "zero" assessments.Sheep assessment reports and assessment fees are due no later than the 15th day of the month, following the end of the reporting period.
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Fish Food
Complete this form for fish food purchased during the quarter. If you did not purchase any fish food, please show “zero” purchases and “zero” assessments.Call (573) 751-5633 if you have any questions.
Legal Provision
Sections 275.450 through 275.455 as amended provide that:
1. Commercial fish producers in Missouri must pay an assessment of $3 per ton on their purchases of fish food.
2. Commercial fish producers must submit an assessment report and their assessment fees to the Missouri Department of Agriculture within 15 days after the end of each quarter.
3. A commercial fish producer is defined as “a commercial producer or seller of fish or fish products who purchases at least 2000 pounds of fish food in a calendar year…”
4. Fish food is defined as “food, purchased in bulk or bag quantities, used to feed fish, whether or not such food is used for fish held for sale.”
5. Any commercial fish producer who does not file an assessment report and pay the assessment fee is subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000.
Sheep Refund
Complete the following information and attach settlement sheets which verify the date of sale, number of sheep sold, and the amount of deducted sheep assessment fees.Submit this request and your settlement sheets to the above address within 60 days after the assessment fees are deducted from your settlement.
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NOTE: Information is required by 7 CFR 1220.223. Failure to report can result in a fine. Information is held confidential(7 CFR1220.243).According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0581-0093. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
PENALTIES: You may, by law, be fined up to $10,000, imprisoned up to five years or both for knowingly or willfully making false statements within this document (18 U.S.C., Section 1001).
The report and assessments must be remitted by the last day of the month following the end of the collection period. Late payments are subject to a 2% per month late payment charge.
“Net market value” (quoted price plus or minus premiums or discounts such as moisture and quality factors) is the total dollars paid for assessed soybeans during the reporting period.
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Complete this form for your monthly reporting period. If you did not purchase any Missouri rice during the reporting period, please show “zero” purchases and “zero” assessments.Make a check payable to the Missouri Rice Commodity Fund for the amount of your assessments and any late payment penalty.
Monthly assessment reports and fees are due by the 15th day of each month for rice purchases made during the preceding month.
See the Legal Provisions and Procedures on the bottom of this form for additional information about the Missouri rice checkoff program.
Legal Provisions and Procedures
Legal Provisions and Procedures for the assessment and collection of rice check-off fees established in accordance with Sections 275.300 through 275.370 RSMo as amended:
1. Effective August 9, 1988, a mandatory two cents ($0.02) per bushel check-off was implemented on all rice produced and/or sold in Missouri. The check-off is authorized
under Missouri law and was implemented after the Missouri rice producers passed a referendum to establish the check-off.
2. The rice check-off must be collected by the purchaser at the point of first sale by deducting the check-off amount from the total amount due to the seller/producer.
The only exception is that the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) will collect the check-off at the rice is pledged as collateral for a CCC loan. To avoid a double
check-off on rice that has been in the CCC loan program, the purchaser should not collect the check-off if the producer/seller provides a copy of his Note and
Security Agreement (CCC-677 or CCC-678) which verifies that CCC has already collected the check-off. Check-off collections are identified as “assessments”
on the CCC-677 or CCC-678 documents
(NOTE:) The producer/seller is responsible for providing documentation to prevent a double check-off. The purchaser must collect the rice check-off unless the
producer/seller provides a CCC-677 or CCC-678 document which verifies that the check-off was collected by CCC.
3. Purchasers of Missouri rice are required to submit an assessment report and remit check-off collections to the Missouri Department of Agriculture by the 15th day
of each month for purchases made during the preceding month. A penalty of one percent (1%) per month will be assessed on check-off amounts not submitted by the due date.
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Apple-One and Half Cent
This 1 1/2 cent per bushel assessment was enacted by a producer referendum in 1985, and applies only to commercial apple producers in Missouri. A commercial apple producer is any individual, firm, corporation, or unincorporated association that produced and sold an average of 1,000 or more bushels of apples annually over the most recent three year period. Commercial producers are required to complete this form and pay the assessment by December 31. A late payment penalty of one percent per month must be paid on assessments that are submitted after December 31.*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Apple-One Cent
**none***Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Corn Monthly
Complete the following form, showing the volume of corn purchased from the first to the last of the month. If no corn is purchased, please submit a zero report.Remittance should be made to the Grain Commodity Fund no later than the 15th of the month following the purchase.
If any merchandising fee is unpaid on the original due date, a penalty of one percent per month shall apply from and after that date until payment and the penalty is received.
Regulations and Procedures for the collect of the assessment fee established in accordance with Sections 275.300-370 RSMo (1969) as amended:
1. Assessment fee shall be collected on all corn marketed in Missouri, regardless of where it is produced.
2. Collection of the assessment shall be made at the point of the first sale, by deducting the fee from the total amount due to the producer.
3. Truckers who purchase corn, or who transport and sell farmers’ corn through their grain dealer license, are considered first purchasers and are required to collect the assessment fee.
1. Seed producers who sell seed to other growers shall collect the fee from themselves at the point of the first sale.
2. Retail seed dealers who buy corn seed shall collect the assessment fee from producers at the point of the first sale.
3. Corn seed that is grown under contract or sold on consignment basis shall have the assessment fee collected at the point of the first sale.
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Beef Monthly
This report and assessments must be remitted by the fifteenth day of the month following the month in which the cattle were marketed. Late payments are subject to a 2% per month late payment charge.Instructions: Please provide the following information on all cattle you or your company marketed by completing the following table.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0581-0093. The time required to complete this information collection OMB 0581-0093 is estimated to average 1.8 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Information is required by (7 CFR 1260.201). Failure to report can result in a fine. Information is held confidential (7 CFR 1260.203).
Completing a Monthly Remittance Form
This form should be completed each month and should include all of the cattle purchased during the previous month. You have until the 15th of the following month to send in the form and payment.(Example: If you buy cattle in January, the form and payment are due on February 15).
MONTH — The month in which the cattle was purchased.
ID NO. — The number you use to file with the IRS (Federal Identification Number). Individuals should use their social security number.
COMPANY — Company's name or, if you buy as an individual, your own name.
LATE CHARGE — Failure to remit the checkoff assessments by the due date will result in a late payment charge of 2% per month, compounded monthly until all amounts (due) are paid.
STATE OF ORIGIN — The state where the cattle resided for at least 30 days, prior to the time they were bought or sold. If they came from another state within the last 30 days, write in the abbreviation of that state. Otherwise, write the abbreviation for your state.
Example: If you buy cattle that have been in your state for only 20 days, the state of origin is the state they came from, not your state.
TOTAL NUMBER OF HEAD MARKET — The total number of cattle you purchased.
NUMBER OF HEAD NOT ASSESSED — Cattle for which you received a non-producer status from, a brand inspection certificate showing collection of the checkoff within 10 days of the transaction, or cattle which you purchased from an auction market.
NUMBER OF HEAD ASSESSED PER STATE — This is the number of animals on which you collected checkoff dollars. It is the total number of animals marketed minus those not assessed.
PENALTIES — You can be subject to two penalties:
a) A civil penalty of up to $5,500 per violation.
b) For fraudulent uses of a government form, a fine up to $10,000 and imprisonment up to five years.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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Beef Private Treaty Sale
Complete the following form for the cattle you sold by private treaty during your monthly reporting period.1. Make a check payable to the Missouri Beef Merchandising Fund for the total amount of assessment fees owed.
2. Remittance reports and assessment fees are due by the 15th day of the month for your private treaty sales, which were made during the preceding month.
3. See the legal provisions and procedures on the back of this form for additional information concerning private treaty transactions.
1. Legal Requirement
The Beef Promotion and Research Order provide that producers must pay a $1.00 per head assessment on cattle, each time an animal is sold. The assessment applies to all bovine animals regardless of age or breed.
2. Normal Market Transactions
The assessment must be collected and remitted by the person who pays the seller. This means that livestock markets, feed yards, packers, order buyers, and dealers must collect the assessment by deducting $1.00 per head from the sales receipts of the seller.
3. Private Treaty Transactions
The assessment must be collected and remitted by the person selling the cattle. This means that the producer selling the cattle must collect the $1.00 per head assessment from himself. Private treaty transactions are defined as farm-to-farm or producer-to-producer transactions that do not involve the normal marketing channels identified in Item 2 (above).
4. Remittance Requirements
Assessments must be remitted to the Missouri Department of Agriculture by the 15th day of the month, following the month in which the transactions took place.
5. Non-Compliance Penalty
Persons who do not collect and remit assessments that are due will be in violation of the Beef Promotion and Research Order, and may be subject to a $5,000 civil penalty.
Enhanced Program of Veterinary Care
Each licensee subject to the Animal Care Facilities Act is responsible for providing “necessary veterinary care” to all dogs covered under 273.345, RSMo. “Necessary veterinary care” as defined by 273.345, RSMo means, at minimum, examination at least once yearly by a licensed veterinarian, prompt treatment of any serious illness or injury by a licensed veterinarian, and where needed, humane euthanasia by a licensed veterinarian using lawful techniques deemed acceptable by the American Veterinary Medical Association.
The attending veterinarian shall establish, maintain, and supervise a program of veterinary care for dogs covered under 273.345, RSMo. The program shall include a veterinary examination at least once yearly by a licensed veterinarian, including, at minimum, a complete physical evaluation from head to tail of a covered dog or cat to include auscultation, palpation, and a visual inspection in which the heart rate, respiratory rate, breeding soundness and the results of the palpation are assessed and recorded as indicated on the forms provided. The veterinarian shall consult on vaccination schedules, protocols for disease control and prevention; pest and parasite control; nutrition; and euthanasia for all covered dogs on the premises of the licensee/kennel owner. The program should include regularly scheduled visits to the premises by the veterinarian to monitor animal health and husbandry practices to occur, at a minimum, once yearly.
This form shall be used for the program of veterinary care (POVC) as required by 273.345, RSMo and 2 CRS 30-9.020. The properly completed POVC should be kept as part of the licensee’s records and readily available for review by an Animal Care inspector. In addition, a copy of the properly completed POVC should be submitted to the ACFA office by fax (573-526-2059), email (acfa@mda.mo.gov ) or mail to Missouri Department of Agriculture, Animal Care Program, PO Box 630, Jefferson City, MO 65102. Each licensee needs a new POVC form every year, or upon changing of attending veterinarian, or upon any significant changes in protocols. This form shall be completed by the attending veterinarian, unless otherwise stated. If the space provided is not adequate for a specific topic, additional sheets may be added. The forms are available at www.mda.mo.gov.
The program of veterinary care (POVC) must be signed by both the licensee/applicant and the licensee’s attending veterinarian.
Vaccinations. Each licensee shall establish and maintain programs of adequate veterinary care that include the use of appropriate methods to prevent disease through the use of means such as the use of vaccinations. Vaccination protocols must include recommendations for all life stages of the animals maintained by the licensee. Facilities that provide services but do not necessarily own the animals (such as boarding kennels and intermediate handlers), must obtain recommendations from their attending veterinarian concerning adequate vaccination schedules that would be beneficial in the prevention of disease for the animals under their care.
Parasite Control Program. Each licensee shall establish and maintain programs of adequate veterinary care that include the use of appropriate methods to prevent and control disease through means such as the control of parasites.
Each licensee shall obtain recommendations from their attending veterinarian for the control of ectoparasites, blood parasites, and intestinal parasites. In the event that a specific type of parasite may not apply to a facility, notation must be made of such exemption.
Facilities that provide services but do not necessarily own the animals (such as boarding kennels and intermediate handlers), must obtain recommendations from their attending veterinarian concerning the protocols to follow in order to prevent a parasite infestation. Additionally, recommendations must be maintained concerning diagnosis and treatment if an infestation does occur.
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General Program of Veterinary Care
Each licensee shall employ an attending veterinarian who shall provide adequate veterinary care to animals covered under the rules in 2 CSR 30-9. Each licensee shall employ an attending veterinarian under formal arrangements which shall include a written program of veterinary care and regularly scheduled visits to the premises. The written program of veterinary care shall include a review of animal health and husbandry practices including disease prevention techniques, vaccination protocols, parasite protocols, pest control, nutrition, and euthanasia.
Each licensee shall ensure that the attending veterinarian has appropriate authority to ensure the provision of adequate veterinary care and to oversee the adequacy of other aspects of animal care and use.
Vaccinations. Each licensee shall establish and maintain programs of adequate veterinary care that include the use of appropriate methods to prevent disease through the use of means such as the use of vaccinations. Vaccination protocols must include recommendations for all life stages of the animals maintained by the licensee. Facilities that provide services but do not necessarily own the animals (such as boarding kennels and intermediate handlers), must obtain recommendations from their attending veterinarian concerning adequate vaccination schedules that would be beneficial in the prevention of disease for the animals under their care.
Parasite Control Program. Each licensee shall establish and maintain programs of adequate veterinary care that include the use of appropriate methods to prevent and control disease through means such as the control of parasites. Each licensee shall obtain recommendations from their attending veterinarian for the control of ectoparasites, blood parasites, and intestinal parasites. In the event that a specific type of parasite may not apply to a facility, notation must be made of such exemption. Facilities that provide services but do not necessarily own the animals (such as boarding kennels and intermediate handlers), must obtain recommendations from their attending veterinarian concerning the protocols to follow in order to prevent a parasite infestation. Additionally, recommendations must be maintained concerning diagnosis and treatment if an infestation does occur.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Missouri Intrastate Cervidae Movement Certificate
**none***Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Bovine Leukosis
These Bovine Leukosis Virus Methods and Rules (BLV-UMR) for the establishment and maintenance of cattle herds as Missouri Designated Free of Bovine Leukosis Virus (BLV).
The purpose of designating cattle herds free of BLV is to reduce economic loss and qualify such herds for the export of cattle to countries requiring certification of herd status relative to BLV.
The recognized test(s) for the presence of BLV for the purposes of these methods and rules shall be any test(s) approved by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians and so designated by the State Veterinarian of Missouri.
For the purpose of these methods and rules, herd shall be defined as any grouping of one or more animals maintained on a common ground, geographically separated from all other cattle at all times with separated feed, water and drainage systems. All additions to this herd must be in accordance with Part II, Section 1, of these methods and rules.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I - QUALIFYING THE HERD
1. Each bovine animal in the herd, over eight months of age, shall be tested with the recognized and approved test(s).
2. Two negative tests at more than 90 day intervals shall be required before a herd may be designated “BLV-Free.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART II – MAINTAINING BLV-FREE STATUS
1. No test is required for additions from a designated BLV-Free herd.
2. Additions from a non-designated free herd shall be negative to one test within 30 days prior to entry to a designated free herd. Animals shall be held individually or in a group, separate and apart from other cattle and in absence to exposure to any BLV infected animals . In addition, they must pass one negative test 60 to 90 days after entering the herd.
3. Redesignation of a BLV-Free herd shall be annually.
4. For a herd to be redesignated BLV-Free, all members of the herd that are 18 months of age and older must be tested negative no more than 30 days prior to, or 60 days beyond the anniversary date of the initial designation of the herd as BLV-Free.
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Animal Care Program Inquiry
1. Provide the full name and address of the person/business against whom you are filing this inquiry.2. Attach copies of documents (bills, correspondence, pictures, etc.) that would substantiate your inquiry.
3. Please state your inquiry briefly and clearly, noting specific violations of the law.
4. Provide full names and addresses of any other persons/witnesses who can verify the facts alleged.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Brand Registration
**none***Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Livestock Dealer Application
Please complete each section of this application.*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Livestock Market Volume Report
1. Complete and return by April 15.2. Provide the number of each class of livestock sold, and the total dollar volume per month for the (entire) previous calendar year.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Market/Sale License Application
Please complete each section of this application.*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Financial Responsibility for Manufacturers and Installers
Please complete this application and submit wit with an insurance policy, certificate of insurance or other documentation that:1. Demonstrates coverage of at least one million dollars ($1 million) per occurrence and two million dollars ($2 million) annual aggregate for pollution liability.
2. Clearly identifies who is insured, and
3. Specifies the current term of coverage and the retroactive date of coverage.
In accordance with Section 414.035, RSMo: Any person who manufactures an aboveground or underground fuel storage tank for use in this state, or piping for such tank, or who installs or repairs a fuel storage tank system in this state, must register with the Department and provide evidence of financial responsibility for the costs of corrective action directly related to releases caused by improper manufacture, installation, or repair of such. This requirement does not apply to the installation or repair of fuel storage tank systems by the tank owner or operator.
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Open Record Sunshine Request
Please include the following information to help ensure you receive access to or copies of the records you are requesting. Providing this information will help us to quickly respond to your request. Please be as specific as possible about the information you are requesting.Full name (and company name, if applicable) and mailing address
Telephone number, fax number or e-mail address (The Missouri Department of Agriculture may contact you directly with questions regarding your request.)
A list or description of the specific information of interest to you, such as a description of the records or information you are seeking, as well as the name of the company or facility, and the street address and the city where the company or facility for which you are requesting information is located.
Fees for duplication may be collected as stated below and as otherwise provided by law. Payment of such copying fees may be requested prior to making copies. Prior to producing copies of the request, the person requesting the records may request the Department of Agriculture to provide an estimate of the cost associated with copying the requested records.
Copying time is charged by staff members’ hourly rate with a $10 minimum charge.
Research time required to fulfill the request may be charged at the actual cost of research time. This is the time used to search the records and to review the records for responsiveness and exemption.
Fee Waiver
A requester may ask for a fee waiver. Copies may be provided at no charge if the cost and time involved is minimal. The custodian of records may also waive the fee if it is determined that a waiver or reduction of the fee is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the Department of Agriculture and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.
The requester may be asked to provide the following information to determine whether a fee should be assessed or waived.
• Credentials as a member of the news media affiliated with a newspaper, magazine and television station. Is this request made as part of a newsgathering and not for other commercial use?
• Is the requester affiliated with an educational institution or noncommercial group? Is the request made for scholarly, scientific or other purposes and not for commercial use?
• Is the requester an individual seeking records for personal use instead of for commercial use?
All department records are available for public view unless one of the exceptions to disclosure listed in the Sunshine Law applies.
Types of information that may be kept confidential include:
• Documents related to legal actions, causes of action, litigation and attorney-client privileged communications (including the Department of Agriculture’s attorneys and the
Missouri Attorney General’s Office attorneys). However, any meetings votes, or settlement agreement relating to legal actions involving the department or its agents
shall be made public upon final disposition of the matter voted upon or upon the signing of the parties of the settlement agreement, unless ordered closed by a court.
• Leasing, purchase or sale of real estate by the Department of Agriculture where public knowledge of the transaction might adversely affect legal considerations in said transaction.
• Hiring, terminating, disciplining or promoting of a particular employee.
• Matters involving state militia or National Guard.
• Non-judicial mental or physical health proceedings involving identifiable persons, including medical, psychiatric, physiological or alcoholism or drug dependency diagnosis or treatment.
• Scholastic probation, expulsion or graduation of identifiable individuals, including records of individual tests or examination scores.
• Testing and examination materials before the test or examination is given.
• Welfare cases of identifiable individuals.
• Preparation, including any discussions or work product, for negotiation with employee groups.
• Software codes for electronic data processing or documentation.
• Specifications for competitive bidding, until either the specifications are officially approved or the specifications are published for bid.
• Sealed bids and related documents, until the bids are opened and sealed proposals and related documents or any documents related to a negotiated
contract until a contract is executed or all proposals are rejected.
• Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment.
• Meetings and public records relating to scientific and/or technological innovations in which the owner has a proprietary interest.
• Records related to municipal hotlines established for the reporting of abuse and wrongdoing.
• Confidential or privileged communications with an auditor, including all auditor work product; however, all final audit reports issued by an auditor are open.
• Operational guidelines and policies developed, adopted, or maintained for law enforcement, public safety, first response, or public health for use in responding
to or preventing any critical incident which is or appears to be terrorist in nature or has the potential to endanger individual or public safety or health.
• Existing or proposed security systems and structural plans of real property owned or leased.
• Records that identify the configuration of components or an operation of a computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network,
and would allow unauthorized access to or disruption to a computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network.
• Credit card numbers, personal identification numbers, digital certificates, physical and virtual keys, access codes or authorization codes that are used to protect the
security of electronic transactions between the department and a person or entity doing business with the department.
• Certain investigative reports used in the course of a criminal investigation.
• Social security numbers (Chapter 610.035, RSMo).
• Criminal history information, such as that provided through Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES).
• Records which are otherwise protected from disclosure by law.
All information above is governed by applicable laws and policies. All laws are governed by Sections 610.010 to 610.200, RSMo. The Department of Agriculture policy and procedure regarding the Missouri Sunshine Law can be found in policy number 7.02.
Missouri Sunshine Law: Chapter 610, RSMo
Missouri Attorney General’s Office (Sunshine Law)
Questions and Comments
Please contact the department’s Custodian of Records at records@mda.mo.gov, (573) 751-5617, by fax at (573) 751-1784 or by mail at Missouri Department of Agriculture, Attn: Custodian of Records, Special Assistant to the Director, P.O. Box 630, Jefferson City, MO 65102, with any requests, questions or comments on access to records or information.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Operation Bark Alert
The instructions for Operation Bark Alert, should read as follows "If you know of an unlicensed animal care facility in Missouri putting the health and welfare of animals at risk, report them here. We need your name and contact information in order that we can contact you for additional detail. We need as much information about the unlicensed party in order that we can locate and address the situation. With every tip from the public, animal care inspectors visit the location in question to assess the validity of the complaint and determine their status under the law."
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Canine Brucellosis-Free Certification
Uniform methods for the establishment and maintenance of certified canine Brucellosis-free facilities as recommended by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.
1. Certified canine Brucellosis-free status must include all canines six months of age and older on the premises and testing must be completed as follows: • For initial certification, a facility must have at least two consecutive negative blood tests for antibodies to Brucella canis between 30-45 days apart.
2. Canine brucellosis test must be done at a state approved laboratory using the tests specified by the State Veterinarian.
For re-certification, all canines six months of age and older on the premises must have a negative blood test for antibodies to Brucella canis every 10 to 14 months to maintain continuous certification. A 30 day grace period, during which a facility may be reinstated with a single-negative blood test for antibodies to Brucella canis is allowed.
1. Any serological positive canines must have blood samples submitted for culture to a state approved laboratory.
2. All additions to the facility must have a negative blood test for antibodies to Brucella canis within 30 days prior to entry and 30-60 days after they enter, and must remain in quarantine until testing is completed.
3. Must maintain a closed facility as defined below. Or, have two negative blood test for antibodies to Brucella canis of all non-resident canines not less than 30 or more than 60 days prior to being bred to a canine residing in the facility. If non-resident canines are to be housed at the facility during the testing period, they should remain in quarantine until testing is completed.
1. Premises - Housing facility means any land, premises, shed, barn, building, trailer or other structure or area, housing or intended to house animals.
2. Closed facility - A breeding facility which does not use outside stud service and does not provide stud service for females originating outside the facility.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Blue Ribbon Breeder Application
The Blue Ribbon Breeder Program is designed to recognize Missouri's elite dog and cat breeders. Blue Ribbon Breeders exhibit best management practices in their facilities, professional improvement through participation in continuing education, and an ongoing record of compliance under Missouri’s Animal Care Facilities Act.
Missouri's Blue Ribbon Breeders are required to meet higher standards than any other breeders in the state. These breeders must demonstrate long-standing compliance under state inspection, a biosecurity plan to protect animals from disease, and microchips in every puppy and kitten sold.
Before completing a Blue Ribbon Breeder application, please contact Dr. Cindy Watson at (573) 645-2956 to discuss eligibility and application requirements.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Consolidated Complaint Form
Information is not available
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Information is not available
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Information is not available
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Spay and Neuter Grant Application
The Missouri Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health requests grant proposals for low cost spay/neuter programs in Missouri on an annual basis. Funds are generated through the sale of the “I’M PET FRIENDLY” specialty license plates and will be dispersed for Fiscal Year 2013. Pursuant to Section 301.3087, RSMo Supp. 2007, these funds are designated for grants to eligible organizations that provide low-cost spaying and/or neutering of dogs and cats for individuals who could not normally afford those services. The enclosed application contains eligibility criteria that all applicants must meet to be considered for funding.
The goal of the “I’M PET FRIENDLY” specialty license plate fund is to provide grants to non-profit organizations or governmental agencies to enable low-cost spaying and neutering of dogs and cats in order to reduce the surplus of these animals in Missouri.
Grant recipients must be:
• Non-profit organizations qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
Or• Governmental agencies or private organizations regulated by sections 273.400 to 273.405, RSMo that operate an animal shelter.
The original application and three (3) copies (each set stapled) shall be submitted to:Missouri Department of Agriculture
Division of Animal Health
Attention: Rachel Heimericks
P.O. Box 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102 The physical address for overnight and personal deliveries is: Missouri Department of Agriculture
Division of Animal Health
Attention: Rachel Heimericks
1616 Missouri Boulevard
Jefferson City, MO 65109
1. Attach the organizational structure of the applicant.
2. Non-profit entities – please attach a copy of the IRS letter designating your organization as a 501(C)(3) with a current list of officers and directors.
Only the IRS letter should be submitted. Please do not submit additional documentation.
3. Governmental agencies – Please attach a statement of authorization from your local governing agency official (e.g. mayor, county, executive, etc.)
4. Attach a financial statement (profit/loss summary) covering the recent twelve (12) months of operation (the last calendar or fiscal year, whichever is more recent).
Financial information submitted must also include sources of income, expense categories, and end of the year balance. Do not submit a budget statement or formal
audit. Governmental agencies must limit their financial statement to the unit specifically designated to provide spay/neuter services (e.g. animal control).
Organizations that fail to submit a financial statement with their application will not be considered for a grant.
Failure to answer all questions and provide attachments as required may result in disqualification of grant and proposal.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
REPORTS REQUIRED: Every corporation engaged in farming or proposing to commence in Missouri….shall file this report with the Director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Sec. 350.020.1, RSMo. 1986.SUBSEQUENT REPORTS REQUIRED: Subsequent reports shall be filed by corporations (except family farm corporations):
(1) Whenever any information changes. Sec 350.020.4(1), RSMo. 1986
(2) Whenever ownership of controlling interest changes. Sec. 350.020.4(2). RSMo. 1986
(3) Whenever land owned or leased ceases to be used for farming or is sold. Sec 350.020.4(3), RSMo. 1986
PENALTY: Failure to file a report or use of false information shall be a misdemeanor punishable by fine. Sec. 350.020.5, RSMo. 1986.
Please insert the appropriate code number(s) from this table in the CODE column under LAND OWNED or LAND LEASED to describe each parcel of land listed.
1a. Agricultural land owned by a FAMILY FARM CORPORATION as defined by Sec.350.010.5.
1b. Agricultural land owned by an AUTHORIZED FARM CORPORATION as defined in Sec. 350.010(2).
Other Corporations - Exemption Codes: (Corporations not to engage in farming - exceptions.)
2. A bona fide encumbrance taken for purposes of security. Sec. 350.015(1).
3. Agricultural land and land capable of being used for farming owned and/or leased by a corporation prior to September 28, 1975, including normal expansion at a rate not to exceed 20% in any 5-year period. Sec 350.015(3).
4. A farm operated wholly for certain research or experimental purposes. Sec. 350.015(4).
5. Agricultural land operated for growing nursery plants, vegetables, grains or fruits used exclusively for brewing or winemaking or distilling and not for resale; forest cropland; production of poultry or poultry products; fish or mushrooms; registered breeding stock for sale to farmers to improve their breeding herds; raw materials for pharmaceutical manufacture, chemical processing, food additives and related products and not for resale. Sec. 350.015(5).
6. Agricultural land lying within 15 miles of a dehydrating plant which is operated exclusively for alfalfa dehydration. Crops raisedthereon are used for further processing and are not for resale in original form. Sec. 350.015(6).
7. An interest in land acquired by an educational, religious or charitable not-for-profit or pro forma corporation or association. Sec.350.015 (7).
8. Agricultural land acquired for immediate or potential use in non-farming purposes. If used for farming, it is under lease to a family unit, family farm corporation, or an authorized farm corporation. Sec. 350.015(8).
9. Agricultural land acquired by process of law or voluntary conveyance in the collection of debts. Sec. 350.015(9).
10. A farm operated to raise hybrid hogs. Sec. 350.015(10).
11. A bank or trust company acting as administrator or executor of a will or trustee under terms of a testamentary, intervivos, or testamentary trust, the principal of which is shares of a family farm corporation or authorized farm corporation and which trust is created by a shareholder of the family farm corporation or authorized farm corporation. Sec. 350.015(11).
12. A corporation or limited partnership for the production of swine or swine products located in a county meeting specific population and geographic requirements. Sec. 350.016.
Chapter 350 Farming Corporations
350.010. Definitions.
350.015. Corporations not to engage in farming-except ions.
350.016. Restriction on corporate farming, exceptions certain counties engaging in production of swine.
350.020. Reports required, when-penalty for failure to file or false report.
350.025. Farm cooperatives to file reports.
350.030. Attorney general to enforce-venue-divestment of lands, failure, effect of.
350.040. Corporation or cooperative not eligible for economic assistance unless family farm or family farm corporation is eligible.
350.010. Definitions. -For the purposes of this sect ion, the terms defined in this sect ion have the meanings here given them:
(1) "Agricultural land" means land used for farming.
(2) "Authorized Farm Corporation" means a corporation meeting the following standards:
(a) All of its shareholders, other than any estate, or revocable and irrevocable trusts, are natural persons;
(b) It must receive two-thirds or more of its total net income from farming as defined in this section;
(3) "Corporation" means a corporation or a cooperative.
(4) "Family farm" means an unincorporated farming unit owned or leased by one or more persons residing on the farm or actively engaging in farming.
(5) “Family Farm Corporation" means a corporation incorporated for the purpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land in which at least one half of the voting stock is held by and at least one-half of the stockholders are members of a family related to each other within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity including the spouses, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law of any such family member according to the rules of the common law, and at least of whose stockholders is a person residing on or actively operating the farm, and none of whose stockholders are a corporation prohibited by section 350.015 from entering into farming, or an corporation which is subject to the controlled expansion provisions of section 350.015; provided that a family farm corporation shall not cease to qualify as such hereunder by reason of any gift, devise or bequest of shares of voting stock. A person actively operating a farm shall include, but not be limited to, a person who has an ownership interest in the family farm corporation and exercises some management control or direction.
(6) "Farming" means using or cultivating land for the production of (a) agricultural crops; (b) livestock or livestock products; (c) poultry or poultry products; (d) milk or dairy products; or (e) fruit or other horticultural products, provided; however, "farming" shall not include a processor of farm products or a distributor of farming supplies contracting to provide spraying, harvesting or other farming services. *Probably should refer to sections 350.010 to 350.030. 350.015. Corporations not to engage in farming-exceptions.-After September 28, 1975, no corporation not already engaged in farming shall engage in farming; nor shall any corporation, directly or indirectly, acquire, or otherwise obtain an interest, whether legal, beneficial or otherwise, in any title to agricultural land in this state; provided, however, that the restrictions set forth in this section shall not apply to the following:
(1) A bona fide encumbrance taken for purposes of security;
(2) A family farm corporation or an authorized farm corporation as defined in section 350.010;
(3) Agricultural land and land capable of being used for farming owned by a corporation as of September 28, 1975, including the normal expansion of such ownership at a rate not to exceed twenty percent, measured in acres, in any five year period, or agricultural land and land capable of being used for farming which is leased by a corporation in an amount, measured in acres, not to exceed the acreage under lease to such corporation as of September 28, 1975, and the additional acreage for normal expansion at a rate not to exceed twenty percent in any five-year period, and the additional acreage reasonably necessary, whether to be owned or leased by a corporation, to meet the requirements of pollution control regulations;
(4) A farm operated wholly for research or experimental purposes, including seed research and experimentation and seed stock production for genetic improvements, provided that any commercial sales from such farm shall be incidental to the research or experimental objectives of the corporation;
(5) Agricultural land operated by a corporation for the purposes of growing nursery plants, vegetables, grain or fruit used exclusively for brewing or winemaking or distilling purposes and not for resale, for forest cropland or for the production of poultry, poultry products, fish or mushroom farming, production of registered breeding stock for sale to farmers to improve their breeding herds, for the production of raw materials for pharmaceutical manufacture, chemical processing, food additives and related products, and not for resale;
(6) Agricultural land operated by a corporation for the purposes of alfalfa dehydration exclusively and only as to said lands lying within fifteen miles of a dehydrating plant, and provided further said crops raised thereon shall be used only for further processing and not for resale in its original form;
(7) Any interest, when acquired by an educational, religious, or charitable not for profit or pro forma corporation or association;
(8) Agricultural land or any interest therein acquired by a corporation other than a family farm corporation or authorized farm corporation, as defined in section 350.010, for immediate or potential use in non farming purposes. A corporation may hold such agricultural land in such acreage as may be necessary to its nonfarm business operation; provided, however, that pending the development of agricultural land for nonfarm purposes, such land may not be used for farming except under lease to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation or an authorized farm corporation, or except when controlled through ownership, options, leaseholds, or other agreements by a corporation which has entered into an agreement with the United States of America pursuant to the New Community Act of 1968 (Title IV of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 42 U.S. C. 3901-3914), as amended, or a subsidiary or assign of such a corporation;
(9) Agricultural lands acquired by a corporation by process of law or voluntary conveyance in the collection of debts, or by any procedure for the enforcement of a lien or claim thereon, whether created by mortgage or otherwise; provided, that any corporation may hold for ten years real estate acquired in payment of a debt, by foreclosure or otherwise, and for such longer period as may be provided by law;
(10) The provisions of sections 350.010 to 350.030 shall not apply to the raising of hybrid hogs in connection with operations designed to improve the quality, characteristics, profitability, or marketability of hybrid hogs through selective breeding and genetic improvement where the primary purpose of such livestock raising is to produce hybrid hogs to be used by farmers and livestock raisers for the improvement of the quality of their herds;
(11) A bank or trust company acting as administrator or executor under the terms of a will or trustee under the terms of a testamentary or inter vivos trust created by the owner of a family farm, or an inter vivos or testamentary trust, the principal of which is shares of a family farm corporation or authorized farm corporation and which trust is created by a shareholder of the family farm corporation or authorized farm corporation. However, a bank or trust company acting in the administration of an investment trust or a management trust formed with the primary purpose of making or managing investments or income-producing property and purchasing agricultural real estate with trust funds with the primary benef its accruing to investors or shareholders in the trust is not exempt from the provisions of sections 350.010 to 350.030. (L. 1975 H.B. 655 § 2, A .L. 1977 S. B. 326)
350.016. Restriction on corporate farming, exceptions certain counties engaging in production of swine.-The restrictions set forth in section 350.015 shall not apply to agricultural land in counties located north of the Missouri River and west of the Chariton River and having a population of more than three thousand five hundred and less than seven thousand inhabitants which border at least two other counties having a population of more than three thousand five hundred and less than seven thousand inhabitants which is used by a corporation or limited partnership for the production of swine or swine products. (L. 1993 S.B.B4)
350.016. Restriction on corporate farming, exceptions certain counties engaging in production of swine.-The restrictions set forth in sect ion 350.015 shall not apply to agricultural land which is used by a corporation or limited partnership for the production of swine or swine products located in any county of the third classification with a township form of government which has at least three thousand but no more than four thousand inhabitants, or any county which adjoins such county which has a population of at least four thousand five hundred but no more than six thousand five hundred inhabitants. (L. 1993 H.B.566)
350.020. Reports required, when-penalty for failure to file or false report.-1. Every corporation engaged in farming, or proposing to commence farming, in this state after September 28, 1975, shall file with the director of the state department of agriculture a report containing the following information:
(1) The name of the corporation and its place of incorporation;
(2) The address of the registered office of the corporation in this state, the name and address of its registered agent in this state and, in the case of a foreign corporation, the address of its principal office in its place of incorporation;
(3) The acreage and location listed by section, township, and county of each lot or parcel of land in this state owned or leased by the corporation and used for farming; and
(4) The names and addresses of the officers and the members of the board of directors of the corporation.
2. The report of a corporation seeking to quality hereunder as a family farm corporation or an authorized farm corporation shall contain the following additional information;
(1) The number of shares owned by persons residing on the farm or actively engaged in farming, or their relatives within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity including their spouses, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law according to the rules of the common law;
(2) The name, address and number of shares owned by each shareholder; and
(3) A statement as to percentage of net receipts of the corporation derived from any sources other than farming.
3. No corporation shall commence farming in this state until it has filed the report required by this section.
4. Every corporation, except a family farm corporation, engaged in farming in this state shall file with the director of the state department of agriculture a report containing the information required in subsection 1 of this section. Said reports shall be filed:
(1) Whenever any of the information required in subsection 1 changes;
(2) Whenever ownership of the controlling interest in the corporation changes; and
(3) Whenever the land owned or leased by the corporation ceases to be used for farming or is sold by the corporation.
5. The failure of a corporation to file a required report, or the use of false information in the report, shall be a misdemeanor for which the corporation shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars. (L. 1975 H. B. 655 § 3, A. L. 1979 S.8.41)
350.025. Farm cooperatives to file reports.-All farm cooperatives who own farm land shall report under section 350.020 hereof. (L. 1975 H.B. 655 § 5)
Attorney general to enforce-venue-divestment of lands, failure, effect of.350.030. If the attorney general finds a corporation is violating sections 350.010 to 350.030, he shall institute an action in the circuit court of Cole County, Missouri, if a foreign corporation, and if a Missouri corporation in the circuit court of any county in which the corporation owns any agricultural lands or if the land is located in two or more counties, then in the circuit court of a county in which a part of the land is located. The attorney general shall file a notice of the pendency of the action with the recorder of deeds of each county in which any portion of said lands are located. If the court finds that the lands in questions are being held or used in violation of sections 350.010 to 350.030, it shall enter an order so declaring. The court shall file for record its order with the recorder of deeds of each county in which any portion of said lands are located. Thereafter, the corporation owning the land shall comply with the orders of the court, or if so ordered shall have a period of two years from the date of such order to divest itself of such land. The two-year limitation period shall be a covenant running with the title to the land against any corporate grantee or corporate assignee or the successor corporation of such corporation, except those corporations excluded by section 350.015. Any lands not divested within the time prescribed shall be ordered sold by the court at public sale in the manner prescribed by law for the foreclosure of a mortgage on real estate for default in payment. (L. 1975 H.B. 655 § 4)
350.040. Corporation or cooperative not eligible for economic assistance unless family farm or family farm corporation is eligible. – Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any corporation or cooperative engaged in farming as defined in subdivision (6) of sect ion 350.010 shall not be eligible for any state tax credits, deduct ions, state grants, loans or other financial or economic assistance, unless a family farm or a family farm corporat ion as defined in subdivisions (4) and (5) of sec t ion 350.010 receives such credits, deductions, grant s , loans, or other assistance. This section does not apply to agricultural processing or food processing facilities.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Egg License
The egg license application form is for Retailer, Dealer or Processor, as defined below:Retailer (R1): Any person who sells eggs to the consumer. A retailer who buys eggs from any person that does not have a Missouri Dealers License must have both a Missouri Retailers License and a Missouri Dealers License.
Retailer (R2): Is a producer which sellseggs exclusivel to the consumver at a farmers market or roadside stand.
All Retailers
R1 $5.00 R2 $5.00
Dealer: Any person who purchases eggs from the producers thereof or another dealer, for the purpose of selling such eggs to another dealer, a processor, or retailer. A dealer shall not be permitted to sell eggs to consumers, and any dealer desiring to sell eggs to consumers shall obtain a retailer’s license in addition to a dealer’s license. Dealer’s license fees and type of license shall be determined by the maximum cases of eggs handled in any one week.
D1 1 to 25 cases per week $5.00
D2 26-50 cases per week $12.50
D3 51-100 cases per week $25.00
D4 Over 100 cases per week $50.00
Retailers and dealers are required to have a license for each separate place of business.
Processors: Any person engaged in breaking eggs or manufacturing or processing egg liquids, whole egg meat, yolks, whites, or any mixture of yolks and whites, with or without the addition of other ingredients, whether chilled frozen, condensed, concentrated, dried powdered or desiccated. Processor’s License Fees and type of license shall be determined by the maximum cases (30 dozen eggs per case) or the equivalent in liquid or frozen eggs processed in any day as follows:
P1 Less than 50 cases $25.00
P2 50-250 cases $50.00
P3 250-1000 cases $75.00
P4 Over 1000 cases $100.00
Moisture Meter Annual Registration Form
List all moisture meters for your business if not listed; add new meters in spaces provided. Verify that all Make/Model, Serial Number and Manufacturer combinations listed are correct. Update contact information as needed. Registration becomes null and void if the location or device information does not match the official registration copy posted at each device location.
Registration fee is $50.00 for the first meter and $25.00 for each additional meter at the same location. Due Date: Jan 31, 20xx
Financial Responsibility for Manufacturers and Installers
Please complete this application and submit wit with an insurance policy, certificate of insurance or other documentation that:
1. Demonstrates coverage of at least one million dollars ($1 million) per occurrence and two million dollars ($2 million) annual aggregate for pollution liability.
2. Clearly identifies who is insured, and
3. Specifies the current term of coverage and the retroactive date of coverage.
In accordance with Section 414.035, RSMo: Any person who manufactures an aboveground or underground fuel storage tank for use in this state, or piping for such tank, or who installs or repairs a fuel storage tank system in this state, must register with the Department and provide evidence of financial responsibility for the costs of corrective action directly related to releases caused by improper manufacture, installation, or repair of such. This requirement does not apply to the installation or repair of fuel storage tank systems by the tank owner or operator.
Missouri Metrology Customer Satisfaction Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey concerning the calibration services recently performed for your company by the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Weights, Measures & Consumer Protection Division, Metrology Laboratory. Please use the comments section at the end of the survey to address any concerns or suggestions for improvement.
Application for Milk Products Processor/Distributor License Form
Resident Processor or Distributor
It is unlawful for any person to operate a milk or milk products processing plant or to act as a processor/distributor within this state unless licensed under the provisions of Sections 416.410 to 416.560, Missouri Revised Statutes, as amended or revised.
Non-resident Processor or Distributor
Any person who acts as a processor/distributor or who operates a milk or milk products processing plant located outside of this state and sells, offers for sale or distributes milk or milk products in this state shall pay the license fee and shall be subject to all of the provisions of Sections 416.410 to 416.560, Missouri Revised Statutes, as amended or revised.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Moisture Meter Registration/Renewal
List all moisture meters for your business if not listed; add new meters in spaces provided. Verify that all Make/Model, Serial Number and Manufacturer combinations listed are correct. Update contact information as needed. Registration becomes null and void if the location or device information does not match the official registration copy posted at each device location. Registration fee is $100.00 for the first meter and $50.00 for each additional meter at the same location. Due annually no later than Jan, 31 of the current year.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Focus on Missouri Agriculture Photo Contest
Photos will be accepted from Friday, April 1 through Friday, June 10, 2022.
Eligibility – The contest is open to any photographer and a special prize will be awarded to the best photo submitted by a child, age 12 and under. Photographers may submit up to three entries per category, and the entries must show some aspect of agriculture including food production or agritourism in Missouri.
Beauty of the Farm – Missouri is home to lush landscapes, rolling hills and stunning sunsets all found right in our very own backyards. The beauty of the farm is captured through a love and respect of the land and a dedication to a better tomorrow. Enter photographs that show the pictorial, scenic or graphic nature of Missouri farms, farming or agricultural products and represent the beauty of your farm.
Faces of the Farm – Individual people coming together with their unique personalities, ideas and work ethics are what make Missouri great. We want to see the portraits of Missouri’s farmers, farm families and people who make agriculture great doing what they do best – working! The story of agriculture is often told in the people who work and live on the land, so show us the faces of your farm
The Farmer’s Life – The life of a farmer is unique and always interesting. With everything always on the move, photos help capture the humor, drama and fun of the farm that makes this lifestyle worth living. Work, play, friendship or farm families sharing their love for one another – it’s all about the farmer’s life!
Pride of the Farm – There is a lot to be proud of when it comes to Missouri’s farms and ranches. We know you are pleased with your trusty tractors, lush fields, healthy livestock and all the hard work that goes into them – so don’t be shy and show them off! Showcase what makes you proud to be a Missouri farmer.
Children’s Barnyard – We are amazed by the talent of the children here in Missouri. Through 4-H or encouragement for their parents, children across the state are taking incredible photos of what agriculture means to them. That’s why we created a category just for children ages 12 and younger to showcase what they are doing on the farm and in their communities. Open to children ages 12 and younger. All types of agriculture and farming-related pictures are eligible. Parent/Guardian approval required.
How to Enter:
Submit up to three JPG/JPEG digital files per category no later than June 10, 2022
*Maximum file size to use online form is 10MB
*Submitting your photo(s) is an agreement of all terms and conditions set forth in the guidelines.
Contest Guidelines:
1.) Photos must show some aspect of agriculture including food production or agritourism in Missouri.
2.) Photos must have been taken in Missouri since January 1, 2019, by the person submitting the image.
3.) Limit of three entries per category per photographer.
4.) Photographers may receive the “First Place” award in only one category
5.) Significant digital manipulation of photos, digital signatures and watermarks are not allowed. Normal cropping, color correction, etc. are acceptable.
6.) Employees of the Missouri Department of Agriculture and their immediate families are not eligible.
7.) Photos entered in the contest may appear on the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s website, Flickr page, social media platforms and in Department publications. Winning photographs will be displayed at the Missouri State Fair.
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Livestock Market Volume Report
1. Complete and return by April 15.
2. Provide the number of each class of livestock sold, and the total dollar volume per month for the (entire) previous calendar year.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Livestock Dealer Application
Please complete each section of this application.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Missouri Department of Agriculture Photo Contest Terms and Conditions
Photographer affirms that you are at least 18 years of age and competent to contract in your own name or if younger than 18 years of age your parent or guardian is submitting photograph(s) on your behalf. Also, you or your parent or guardian, have read this release before submitting photograph(s) and fully understand the content, meaning, and impact of this release. By submitting the photograph(s) you have thus attached your electronic signature and are in agreement with all terms and conditions presented here.
Photographer certifies photograph(s) as original work taken by them in the state of Missouri after January 1, 2011.
Photographer understands and agrees that obscene, provocative or otherwise questionable content will not be considered; the Missouri Department of Agriculture retains sole discretion as to what constitutes inappropriate content, and retains the right to remove any and all photographs it considers inappropriate
By submitting photographs to the Missouri Department of Agriculture, you affirm that you have the legal rights to the photograph(s) submitted and that submission will not violate the photographer’s rights, and third party’s privacy rights, publicity rights, contract rights, copyrights, or other proprietary rights.
Photograph(s) must be submitted by the actual photographer or the photographer’s parent or legal guardian. The submission of the photograph(s) is the guarantee that the entrant is the author and/or copyright holder of the photo.
Photographer gives permission to the Missouri Department of Agriculture to use photograph(s) in any and all of its publications, including, but not limited to, social media, websites, the Missouri State Fair display and other promotional items, without payment or other consideration.
Photographer waives any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph(s) by the Missouri Department of Agriculture and the State of Missouri.
Photographer, also, irrevocably authorizes the Missouri Department of Agriculture to edit, alter, copy, archive, exhibit, publish or distribute this photo for purposes of publicizing its programs or for any other lawful purpose.
Photographer waives the right to inspect or approve any finished product, including written or electronic copy.
Photographer hereby holds harmless and releases and forever discharges the Missouri Department of Agriculture from all claims, demands, and causes of action which you, your heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on your behalf or on behalf of your estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.
By submitting a photo that includes an adult and/or child model, you agree to the following conditions:
Photographer affirms that you have obtained full photograph releases for every identifiable model in any and every photograph submitted by you. The photo release must include the following:
In exchange for consideration received, model hereby grants the Missouri Department of Agriculture permission to use your name and photographic likeness in Missouri Department of Agriculture web pages, social media pages, or other publications deemed appropriate by the Missouri Department of Agriculture. If model is under 18 years of age, you certify that you are the parent/legal guardian of the individual and that you have read this release and approve of its terms.
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Sale License Application
Please complete each section of this application.*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Approval of Labels Marking-or-Device
******* no information available*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Product Labeling Approval Form
Use this form to submit your single ingredient meat and poultry products label for approval. Any questions regarding the requirements should be directed to Dr. Harold Treese at 573-522-8249.*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Missouri Intrastate Cervidae Movement Certificate
******* no information available*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Milk Distributor Application Worksheet
******* no information available*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
******* no information available*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Missouri Egg License Application
The egg license application form is for Retailer, Dealer or Processor, as defined below:Retailer (R1): Any person who sells eggs to the consumer. A retailer who buys eggs from any person that does not have a Missouri Dealers License must have both a Missouri Retailers License and a Missouri Dealers License.
Retailer (R2): Is a producer which sells eggs exclusively to the consumer at a farmers market or roadside stand.
All Retailers
R1 $5.00 R2 $5.00
Dealer: Any person who purchases eggs from the producers thereof or another dealer, for the purpose of selling such eggs to another dealer, a processor, or retailer. A dealer shall not be permitted to sell eggs to consumers, and any dealer desiring to sell eggs to consumers shall obtain a retailer’s license in addition to a dealer’s license. Dealer’s license fees and type of license shall be determined by the maximum cases of eggs handled in any one week.
D1 1 to 25 cases per week $5.00
D2 26-50 cases per week $12.50
D3 51-100 cases per week $25.00
D4 Over 100 cases per week $50.00
Processors: Any person engaged in breaking eggs or manufacturing or processing egg liquids, whole egg meat, yolks, whites, or any mixture of yolks and whites, with or without the addition of other ingredients, whether chilled frozen, condensed, concentrated, dried powdered or desiccated. Processor’s License Fees and type of license shall be determined by the maximum cases (30 dozen eggs per case) or the equivalent in liquid or frozen eggs processed in any day as follows:
P1 Less than 50 cases $25.00
P2 50-250 cases $50.00
P3 250-1000 cases $75.00
P4 Over 1000 cases $100.00
*Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher versions
Milk Processor Distributor License Application
Resident Processor or DistributorIt is unlawful for any person to operate a milk or milk products processing plant or to act as a processor/distributor within this state unless licensed under the provisions of Sections 416.410 to 416.560, Missouri Revised Statutes, as amended or revised.
Non-resident Processor or Distributor
Any person who acts as a processor/distributor or who operates a milk or milk products processing plant located outside of this state and sells, offers for sale or distributes milk or milk products in this state shall pay the license fee and shall be subject to all of the provisions of Sections 416.410 to 416.560, Missouri Revised Statutes, as amended or revised.